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The Live Business Plan
August 25, 2023 @ 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

- Demonstrate knowledge as to how to set their business for success.
- Develop a well-structured business plan.
- Develop well-structured financial projections.
- Grow a business faster and physically healthier
- Make better business decisions.
- Develop a Pitch deck, business plan, financial forecast, benchmarking and milestones/metrics
- Convey the organizational structure of business operations.
- Utilize the business plan as a management tool to ensure milestones, sales targets, changes, and business goals.
- Predict the outcome of the company’s results in future periods.
- Assess what additional assets will be needed to support the growth of the business.
- Determine how much money will be required to open, expand, or purchase a business.
- Demonstrate a realistic plan for their business operations and be specific and concise.
- Understand who their customers will be.
- Identify why customers may want or need the products/services.
- Prove whether this is a viable product or service (Hypothesis).
- Develop a realistic economic business strategy utilizing the Live Plan methodology.
- Understand their unique skills, abilities, interests, and aptitudes.This Business Plan course provides entrepreneurs with an opportunity to develop a well-structured business plan utilizing the LIVE PLAN methodology. This course is designed for those entrepreneurs that are looking for working capital to either start, purchase, or expand an existing business. Creating a professional business plan has never been easier! Live Plan is a simple business planning and financial forecasting tool that makes business numbers simple. It is a proven methodology that allows those to make better business decisions and build businesses healthier. The format of this course is very interactive among the students.