The LA SBDC Network offers no-cost virtual business workshops for small businesses in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties.

WEBINAR Crisis Communication for Small Business
April 29 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
When a crisis happens, one of the last things a business owner should have to worry about is how to communicate with clients and other important stakeholders. This webinar will present participants with the tools they will need to put together a communication plan for both internal and external audiences and publics. Rich with details and practical advice, this workshop will provide the type of knowledge business owners require to get ahead of media stories and quell rumors before they can negatively impact their brand. This is priceless information at no cost to participants.
Instructor: Saida Pagan (SBDC Advisor) and media trainer, communication specialist and journalist. ln addition to having extensive experience as a television reporter, host, and producer, Saida’s stories have appeared in a number of online print publications. As a media trainer, she has helped people from all walks of life to prepare for media interviews and communicate effectively during times of crisis.