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Monthly Archives: April 2016

Attracting New Customers

How do you attract new customers? Follow the tips below to assist you with revisiting your strategies for attracting new customers.
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Inventive Financing for Your Business

Starting a new venture or ready to grow your existing business? Check out these 10 inventive methods, a few pros and cons, as well as resources for financing your small business.
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From SBDC Entrepreneurs

These are 10 of the best tips from SBDC entrepreneurs shared with you on their business lessons learned.
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Successful Small Business Saturday and Beyond

Thinking of starting a business? Whether it’s home-based, retail, technology related, or not, start by reviewing some of the most common steps and resources for starting your business.
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Long Beach Preschool Attains Success in Less Than One Year

A once-struggling Long Beach preschool business owner increases profits by 25 percent thanks to expertise from the SBDC.
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Entrepreneur Positions her Business for Long-Term Growth

The SBDC helped this local business owner restructure her fruit and nut distribution company.
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Family Business Prepares for the Future

Pasta manufacturer poised for growth with help from the SBDC.
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Entrepreneur Starts Successful Pizza Concept

The SBDC helped John Mentesana obtain a $200,000 loan needed to launch his restaurant.
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