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Author Archives: Small Biz LA

Track and Manage Expenses

Are you properly tracking and managing your small business’s expenses (the costs associated with operating your business)? To improve the way you track and manage your business expenses, try these 10 tips.
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A provision of the recently enacted JOBS Act, called the CROWDFUND Act, will greatly expand entrepreneurs’ ability to raise money by crowdfunding. Here are 10 steps to successful crowdfunding
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Using Google+ for Business

Google+ is a must for business owners that want maximum visibility on the Internet. Used strategically, this vital business resource can exponentially increase your exposure and engagement with consumers. Here are 10 tips to get you started.
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Up Your Hiring Game: How to Hire and Keep an Effective Team

Hiring the right people for your business is one of …
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Entrepreneur Obtains Venture Capital

Superior Water Technologies obtained $200,000 in VC funding to support R&D, hiring and business growth.
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Entrepreneur Launches Unique Gourmet Mobile Restaurant

Thanks to the SBDC, this client developed his fusion idea, launched his business, and continues to build a strong following.
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SBDC Helps Family-Owned Tile Company Thrive Through Economic Downturn

Lessons learned in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program enabled ARTO Brick to double its sales and expand its distribution network nationwide, despite the Great Recession.
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Tech Startup Lands Angel Investors Thanks to Bixel Exchange

Bixel Exchange helped a fashion website obtain $60,000 in financing in six short weeks.
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