Discover what you can do to prepare your small business to sell to large corporations by learning how to navigate corporate buyers, how to know what they are looking to buy, and more during this 4-week program.
Four 2-hour cohort workshops, must attend all sessions in the series.
1. Procurement Process
*What does the corporate buying process look like, who is buying in California, and what are your next steps.
2. Foundation for Success
*What will the purchasing process be like, how to find a buyer, and how to know if you are the right supplier.
3. Marketing
*How to develop a capabilities statement and promote yourself to the buyers.
4. Proposals
*What you need to know to write a successful proposal for a corporate buyer
Join SBDC Business Advisors/Procurement Experts Nuha Nazy and Emilia Rogowska from Right Source Services to learn everything you need to know about growing your business by selling to big businesses.