Snapchat is one of the fastest growing social networks of the decade. Since its inception in 2011, it has grown to 8 billion daily video views (head to head with Facebook) and 100+ million daily active users. This platform is a content and storytelling haven. With an engaged user base, Snapchat delivers a marketing channel for the fast pace world we live in. As its user base continues to skyrocket, there is ample opportunity for businesses to take advantage of the attention on Snapchat. There are already a handful of brands such as Taco Bell, Burberry, Sephora, Amazon and even the Presidential Candidates like Bernie Sanders are using it to leverage their Snapchat channel and seeing impactful results.
This interactive Snapchat for Business Class will take you step by step through:
• Basic Snapchat Functionality – How to navigate it
• What Content to Create to build your tribe • How to develop a content strategy
• How to repurpose your Snapchat Content to grow your other platforms
• Cross Promotion Strategy
• Plan of Action
Instructions: PLEASE NOTE – This event is at the Inglewood Public Library. Please see address information.
Instructed by:
Deborah Deras